Andrew lurks in the fine sand and hears two rebels talking.


They don’t walk fast with their horses.
Step by step, they speak with an accent, Captain Surdak, which is similar in some places. It seems to be imperial language, and some places pronounce words …
Step by step closer to twenty steps … fifteen steps … ten steps … five steps … three steps …
Andrew emerged from the dusty yellow sand like a sandman, and the yellow sand blocked the sight of two rebel cavalry. An axe blade brought out the ghosting and chopped the yellow sand towards the head of the rebel cavalry leader.
The leader of the rebel cavalry hastily raised his shield and put on a defensive posture, but he never retreated.
The spear in his hand is like a letter-spitting snake, and it is secretly lifted to the other side’s lower abdomen, which is often the weakest part of armor.
But before the spear in his hand went out, Andrew’s other axe had split the spear point, and the spark burst out. The rebel leader was shocked by this blow, and his palm was numb. Almost at the same time, the axe on the top of his head cut the knight’s shield, and the iron shield was instantly cut, and then the hard leather was cut, and even the iron wood behind it was smashed.
The sharp axe blade cut off the arm wristband. Although the arm was not cut off, the fierce horse force instantly made the rebel leader lose consciousness with the shield arm.
He staggered and was forced to quit two steps. Andrew gave a big drink and rushed to take a step forward. His double axes were like an avalanche of slashing at the rebel leader.
The rebel leader complained bitterly.
I know that once I can’t stop the first blow of the axe warrior, I will let him take it in a passive beating situation. Have I tried my best or have I been forced to take a step back?
Andrew can’t give the rebel leader a break. The butcher in his hand can split a shield made of pure iron. This light shield has no defense. After cutting three axes in a row, the rebel leader’s arm knight’s light shield is smashed to pieces. The rebel leader’s arm is also broken and hangs down.
With a spear in one hand, he tumbled in the sand to avoid Andrew’s pursuit.
When the young rebel cavalry saw that the captain was beaten by the other side, he put his hand in his mouth and gave a loud whistle, so he grabbed the pike and killed Andrew.
Andrew’s body can always avoid the body at the most critical moment, and the solid armor can block the sharp spears in the hands of young rebels.
Andrew, on the other hand, chased the rebel leader to death.
The more Andrew didn’t strike back, the more anxious the young rebel cavalry became. He completely forgot that during training, when the instructor held a whip, he earnestly warned him to give up all defenses and attack Andrew in extreme tactics.
Andrew turned grimly at the moment when the young rebel stabbed Andrew in the shoulder with his spear.
Young rebels don’t want to lose their spears, and Andrew throws them out.
Then the young rebels saw the captain’s frightened eyes …
Andrew has been waiting in front of the young rebels with this butcher’s axe in his hand, just as the young rebels themselves jumped on Andrew’s axe. The butcher’s axe suddenly cut a big mouth in the young rebels’ chest.
The young rebel looked down at his sunken chest with blood all over his face and gave an angry howl. His hands tried to hold Andrew’s axe tightly, but Andrew kicked it down to the sand.
Behind the rebel leader, there was a shadow of the earth storm bear, and the spear in his hand stabbed Andrew and burst into gas.
Andrew pulled out his shoulder spear at random, and a pair of huge eyes appeared behind Andrew, coldly watching the rebel leader’s hands with his double axes overlapping and blocking the rebel leader’s thunder.
At the same time, a hot flame came out from the double axe, and the rebel leader could hide back and missed the best time to withdraw the spear.
Andrew took the opportunity to wring his spear with a twist of his axe.
Andrew cut off his head with an axe when the rebel leader broke his arm and didn’t pull out his waist and sword.
The blood of the two rebels stained their feet red, and the leader of the yellow sand Andrew rebels wiped the blood of the axe blade.
As a precaution, Andrew pulled out a skinning knife and cut off the heads of the two men. He took another look at two horses not far away. Just as he was about to ride horses to search for the other four rebel knights in the big sand dunes, he saw a slender figure appear at the top of the sand dunes.
She waved to Andrew with four heads in her hand.
Although wearing a hood, Andrew can imagine how proud the winner is when his face is exposed and he smiles.
Andrew and Samira brought back six more horses.
This is not a good thing for Surdak.
It seems that the rebels haven’t given up the secret of Pagros Mountain. Carl has been searching everywhere for rebels to sneak into the deserted land. These rebels have seriously affected the deserted public security.
The horses were tied outside the security station, but the rebels didn’t attack the village of Wall rashly again. They avoided all the villages.

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