This time, it’s not too risky for him to hold on to the strength of the martial arts master.


It’s different in the world. It’s working with a waistband and taking risks with the team.
It can be said that Lu Chen was surprised by the cat’s promise to be so frank.
"One glory and one loss, the origin still needs you in the future, and the battlefield needs you in the future. I have to help Brother Liu to level the future."
Wu Sheng helped Lu Chen fill the tea. "It’s not like we’re going to Brother Lu right away and we have to wait for the mainland to develop, right?"
He is going to take the team with him, because he can launch the five elements and four elephants array with all the team members, otherwise the world will be a dish.
In the past several worlds, his strength has naturally increased greatly, and now his basic attribute has 332 points, and there are many back doors in this origin.
But the cat warrior himself has risen very fast recently, perhaps even surpassing Lu Chen, but just when he was full of ambition, he learned that the No.1 world had been penetrated, and it was Lu Chen who was responsible for it …
If he still has a high explosive ability and cooperates with the team’s converging attack skills to face taboos, it’s not to say that he was followed by Liu Chen by spikes.
"Of course, I’m not in a hurry to see what the world is like."
Lu Chen nodded. He is acute, but there is no time limit. Why should he rush to take risks?
"Words Liu Xiong have any recommended institutions of higher learning? It’s not difficult to learn from Heaven. I feel that I will soon master it and prepare to go to a new place to see it. "
Cat warrior ask a way
"oh? So soon? "
Liu Chen has some accidents. The learning ability of the cat warrior is comparable to that of some universities in the past. It is no wonder that the Lord of Heaven values the cat warrior so much.
He thought about it and recommended, "I feel that the muscle religion is good, and the method there is very inclusive. Even if Xiao Xiong doesn’t have the talent to learn, he won’t lose if he doesn’t go there."
"What’s a good drinker?"
The secret warrior wondered.
"You will know when you go."
Lu Chen mysterious smile.
A dark temple stands around the bubble in the world.
There are nine towering stone pillars in the temple, and the top of the stone pillar is missing. At this time, there are virtual fluctuations. The top of the projected stone pillar shows that everyone looks illusory and can’t see the real appearance.
At this time, six of the nine pillars have figures, and the remaining three positions are missing.
The one who came first in the circular arrangement of stone pillars looked like a woman in the hazy fog.
Her figure is enchanting, like a dark vine wrapped around her body, with spikes, which exude a rare purple-red color. The whole person seems to be a thorny rose.
Her eyes glanced over the stone pillars and finally paused. "Haven’t you returned yet?"
"Ha ha, I don’t think I can come back. How can I wake up after being killed by Jker?"
Another sound came from the stone pillar opposite the woman, where there stood a huge ape with a wild smell and a huge bone stick in his hand.
"That is to say, is the virtual hunter still alive? It seems that the battlefield situation is not as severe as we speculated before."
There is a population in the stone pillar next to the ape. He is dressed in a binding suit and wrapped in thick chains like a imprisoned felon.
"It can’t be concluded that the virtual hunters should have an origin after killing them, and even if the virtual pioneers fall, those people will return."
A stone pillar in the mouth exudes a destructive atmosphere, which is a projection but gives people a strong sense of aggression.
"Will you play if you are killed by three?"
Next to the stone pillar population, his first eye has three eyebrows, which seems to have eternal reincarnation. "I think it was the magician who defected and converging to kill those two?"
"It’s not impossible. I once felt his breath in the world. I’m afraid the magician didn’t fall, but he didn’t come back. I’m afraid he was a traitor."
The old man with the sword box said, "Damn traitor, don’t let the old man find him."
"Find him?"
Cold mouth surrounded by thorns

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